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Legal aid lawyer and the attorney in a traffic accident. Cases connected with traffic accidents is a complex phenomenon. Establishing the innocence or guilt of a particular driver requires a high legal qualifications and expertise.
Contact a lawyer for legal aid, better immediately after the incident, because the participation of counsel will immediately build a competent line of defense.
Often, citizens become victims of various scams that offer a substantial reward to solve the problem.
Timely access to a lawyer or lawyer for an accident will allow you to save Your money and nerves.
A lawyer may be necessary in the trial of a traffic accident within the framework of administrative proceedings, as establishing guilt of a particular party traffic shall entail the recovery of any damages in a civil procedure.
In addition, in the case of personal injury, and depending on the severity of the harm, the offender can be prosecuted.
The lawyer is able to provide legal assistance during the preliminary investigation, if the accident was prosecuted. Protection in such cases requires no special technical knowledge, since, mainly, the guilt of the party may be established by production of judicial autotechnical examination.
Counsel may be required by consideration in court of a claim for recovery arising out of accidents of damage. Because often, in the proceedings of this category of cases, legally required to properly justify a legal position in support of the claim or defence to the claim.
Accident Lawyer, legal aid lawyer and the lawyer in a traffic accident, article 130 of the administrative code
Often, road traffic accident (RTA), that is, an event that occurred during the movement on the road vehicle and with his participation, which killed or injured people, damaged vehicles, facilities, goods or other pecuniary damages occur due to non-compliance by other participants in the movement. A considerable number of accidents occur because of poor roads and lack of illuminated markings, signs not installed in accordance with the requirements of GOST, etc. Liability in case of accident arises when the actions of the driver whose fault the accident occurred, there is an administrative offense or a criminal offense. In such cases, the assistance of a lawyer specializing in accidents, just the necessary.
Administrative liability in case of accident – from a fine to deprivation of driving Udostoverenie to 1-year (124, 130 of the administrative code)
Although it is a mild form of responsibility, its consequences, too, are quite negative. Regardless of the situation the accident lawyer will assess the legitimacy of the use of all of the above sanctions will analyze the variants of development of events in the case, will choose the tactics of conducting the case, will determine the number of necessary examinations and questions should be put in the solution, analyze the correspondence of the chosen punishment perfect offense and the legality of action. If sanctions you have applied, the company will:
Criminal liability for an accident – from a fine to imprisonment up to 8 years and driving Udostoverenie up to 3 years
It's a complicated situation and the measure of punishment in a criminal case is the hardest because it includes the deprivation of liberty. Any health damage in the accident entails the initiation of legal proceedings. It is the criminal lawyer the accident will be able to solve almost any issue in such cases. Criminal cases when an accident is quite familiar to AUTOALLOCATE accident because our attorneys have a very large experience in such matters. Considering the consequences of such liability, you should immediately seek the help of a lawyer by accident our company, which in turn will:
This responsibility is connected with the compensation for material and moral damages after an accident. With one hand she pulls the individual punishment for individual, with the amount of compensation can beat much more serious than any punishment. Civil liability can occur as the subject and regardless of the occurrence of administrative or criminal liability.
Material damage is damage to property (vehicles), the health and life of the victim.
Moral damage is the damage caused to the person in respect of damage to property, health or life of that person or his close relatives
The role of The lawyer at road accident for the protection of clients in this category of cases is the award of damages in favor of client or to protect the rights of the customer against unauthorized claims. The attorney for damages after an accident will help in the following:
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