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The development of the cryptocurrency market have led to the emergence of opportunities for all startups to get investors for your project and spend your own ICO (Initial Coin Offerings), i.e. to the organization of the process of the issuance by the company of its own scriptactive with the purpose of raising funds. And despite unified standards for the ICO, each project, as well as every token can have a number of individual characteristics. It is therefore important at the stage of preparation for the ICO the right to make a contract offer, and to correctly identify civil-legal form of the electronic contract in the format of a click-wrap (interactive terms on the site, the consent which is done by pressing the "conciliation" on-screen buttons)) and browse-wrap (interactive terms on the site with which the user expresses consent in an explicit form, but does not put a Daw in a separate window) agreements.
Despite the fact that the national law of most countries and international treaties are not provided until the present time, independent provisions for the regulation of order of carrying out and participation in ICO, many regulators have already begun to develop new approaches on the basis of existing legislation.
For example, in the USA, Canada and Singapore, the issue of scriptaction under certain criteria may amount to a securities issue, with all its duties and responsibilities. This led to the formation of alternative approaches to krausel and attract new investors for their projects.
Not any token issuance under TGE (Token Generation Event is a more correct name for the common categorization for such activity) can be legal in the countries where potential investors. In addition, despite the fact that the ICO/TGE gives greater freedom to the organizers of the project for attracting investment in cyberspace to create a blockchain-projects, there are many worldly issues that need to organize: define the corporate governance structure, to determine the Bank and order a withdrawal in Fiat in a Bank account for the payment of current expenses and work of team to clean and protect intellectual property rights on the product.
It is necessary to take into account that, for example, even if ICO is not aimed at the American market, and the company that owns the service, is located in the EU or Asian countries, it can still apply FATCA (tax reporting on foreign Bank accounts), which obliges any company, or otherwise open accounts for American citizens, to report to the US tax authorities.
In addition, the Convention on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism laws, which was joined by almost all countries of the world, provide for the observance of a number of measures that obligate you to collect information about the customers (Know Your Customer and Anti-money-laundering) tokens.
depends on the volume of services and their delivery time agreed with the Customer.
the lump-sum payment
royalties after launch.
Possible option consideration payment of royalties to the tokens of the project.
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