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Foreign economic activity FEA in Ukraine is regulated by several branches of law, in connection with which there is a need in legal support of import/export transactions.
Import and export operations are commercial activities related to the import or export of goods across the border of Ukraine.
Each of the operations, no matter import or export, requires the development of certain implementation schemes of import/export of goods or cargo.
Legal company AGTL, based on practical experience, will develop for you the individual scheme for the import/export operations.
Legal advice on issues of maintenance of the import and export of goods, to avoid the various sorts of absurd situations, financial loss, illegal decisions. Cooperation with AGTL will help You to realize all your plans, in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Our lawyers have a high level of professionalism and years of experience in this field.
Accreditation of Your company as participant of foreign economic activity;
Support of import of goods and services;
Support of exports of goods and services;
Proper selection of the HS, from which further depends on the efficiency of customs clearance and minimizing the risks of customs clearance;
Ensuring the availability of the required volume of shipping documents and the filling thereof with observance of requirements of the legislation;
Preparation of shipping and cargo accompanying documents;
Compliance of imported/ exported goods quality certificate;
Customs support clearance of goods on import/export;
Tax planning and tax optimization;
Reimbursement of VAT at export of goods;
Examination of the signed documents on foreign trade activities;
Bring the documents into compliance with the requirements of the legislation;
Legal support in signing contracts and preparing documents to them;
Representation in customs bodies, bodies of the State fiscal service, if necessary, to judicial authorities;
Claim work including abroad;
Quotas for export/import transactions;
Preparation of package of documents and obtaining licenses for export/import of goods.
Advice and assistance in the choice of logistic company;
Predicting the risks of the operation and their minimization;
Drafting of contracts in the sphere of provision of services and logistics/support contract activities, ensuring its compliance with the requirements of the legislation, the international rules of the INCOTERMS, the choice of the optimal variant of delivery of goods and cargoes;
Verification of certificates of quality of products supplied (depending on its future wholesale or retail sales) and the availability of the necessary package of documents for its smooth overcoming of the customs border;
The selection of the most advantageous distribution conditions of goods delivery;
Account all the nuances of the terms of payment (term of payment, partial payment, reservation of benefits and discounts);
Support the onset of complaints and the procedure for its submission;
Support in litigation (representation in all instances of the judicial system);
Tax optimization of transactions, followed by logistic services;
The conclusion of the insurance contract to provide logistics services;
Legal support liability insurance carrier, including the transported goods.
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