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Foreign economic activity FEA in Ukraine is regulated by several branches of law, in connection with which there is a need in legal support of import/export transactions.
Import and export operations are commercial activities related to the import or export of goods across the border of Ukraine.
Each of the operations, no matter import or export, requires the development of certain implementation schemes of import/export of goods or cargo.
Legal company AGTL, based on practical experience will carry out administrative and judicial appeal of overstatement of the customs value.
Legal advice on issues of maintenance of the import and export of goods, to avoid the various sorts of absurd situations, financial loss, illegal decisions. Cooperation with AGTL will help You to realize all your plans, in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Our lawyers have a high level of professionalism and years of experience in this field.
Administrative and judicial appeal of overstatement of the customs value– is one of the most difficult categories of disputes. Many such disputes can lead to a deadlock even an experienced lawyer. This necessitates the involvement of a lawyer who specializiruetsya such cases. To the customs dispute was resolved in Your favor, it is necessary that the attorney representing Your interests, possessed not only theoretical knowledge of customs legislation, but also extensive practical experience.
The main condition of realization of the right to import to Ukraine or export from Ukraine of the goods is compliance with the order and rules of their moving through the customs border of Ukraine, the observance of which may lead to adverse consequences, including the attraction of persons to administrative responsibility.
Judicial practice shows that the customs authorities allow a large number of errors in the production of customs control, which makes challenging their acts and actions (inaction) of an effective tool to protect your rights. The involvement of an experienced specialist, thoroughly versed in the intricacies of customs control may free You from the need of a trial. Upon presentation to the customs authority sufficient arguments, clearly proving the illegality of his actions, we can confidently say that the customs officer would prefer to agree with Your position, what to expect of the trial.
Our specialists will promptly provide assistance in the assessment of benefits and risks in appealing facts of confiscation and forced sale of the goods, imposition of penalties, fines, customs regulatory authorities.
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