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A lawsuit in the economic court – a document designed to initiate a lawsuit. It contains information about the claimant and the defendant and the circumstances under which any claim that describes the claim of the plaintiff to the defendant, indicating their legal basis and contains other information necessary for consideration of the case. To a claim may also be accompanied by other documents if such documents are specified requirements of the process (applications, copies of documents, confirming the plaintiff's claims, the document confirming payment of state duties, etc.).
Professional lawyers, in the Luggage which won dozens of court cases;
Legal services of the highest quality;
Full support of different specialists, from lawyers to auditors;
Complete confidentiality;
Our experience and practice in the field of judicial dispute resolution are confirmed by many years of working in the market of legal services;
Making a claim in the commercial court;
Preparation of withdrawal of the claim from the court;
Drafting complaints, petitions, claims in the commercial court.
In General, the procedure of consideration of claims in the commercial court the following:
It includes:
This stage includes:
Includes the transfer of the case in enforcement proceedings and the implementation of the consequences of the judgment.
Remember that the misfiled documents reduces Your chances of a successful process. If You need help in making a claim, contact the professionals!
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