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Handling complaints

Claim work

In the course of economic activity of the enterprise there are often disagreements with the counterparties resulting from the total or partial failure to fulfill obligations under agreements and contracts. Before the conflict will be transferred to the court can (and in some cases should) be attempted to resolve it out of court. Handling complaints – this is the activities related to the resolution of such conflicts by negotiation, preparation and exchange of claims.

Our advantages

  • Our specialist will help to determine the validity of the claim and the prospects of further litigation in case of refusal in its recognition;
  • the claim will be created with all the requirements of the legislation, which will increase its chances to be recognized;
  • all claims correspondence will be taken under control, which will ensure preservation of the documents and will comply with all terms of consideration and sending claims and receiving responses to them;
  • a great experience claim work allows us to offer a quality and professional service.

Law firm AGTL offers services on carrying out claims work on the client side. Our specialists have extensive experience in managing claims work and ready to provide You with expert legal assistance.

Our services include:

  • Analysis of contracts and strategizing for pre-trial settlement;
  • Drafting of claims;
  • Replying to the claims directed to the client;
  • Representation of client's interests during negotiations with contractors;
  • Control, analysis and summarizing of results;
  • Preparation of package of documents to the court on the basis of the results of claims, in case if you are not able to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way;
  • Other legal advice relating to claims work.
  • The law does not impose requirements for the timing of the filing, however, it is important to remember that the Statute of limitations is three years from the date of the violation of rights, and the protracted claim settlement with the suppliers may adversely affect the ability to resolve conflict through the courts.

The claim must be made and forwarded to the contractor in writing by registered letter, letter with notification or handed over against receipt. It must contain the following information:

  • Information about the applicant (name, legal and payment details);
  • Information about the addressee of the claim (name, props);
  • Date of filing and number of the claim;
  • The reason for the claim;
  • The legal basis of the claim;
  • Extended requirements;
  • The amount of the claim with the justification (if necessary);
  • The documents confirming the lawfulness of the claim (originals or certified copies).

The answer to the complaint of the customer should contain any recognition of the claim indicating the amount and date of claim settlement (in case of impossibility of monetary compensation – an indication of any other way to meet the claims) or a denial of its recognition indicating the rationale and links to current legislation.