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Registration of joint stock companies (PJSC)
Law firm AGTL specializiruetsya on working with the securities market and has an extensive practice in the creation and support of activity of joint-stock companies.
Our advantages
Experts in the field of company law, advise on questions of activity of joint-stock companies, develop internal documents and shareholder agreements;
A full range of services to create AO: preparation of documents, registration of JSC, registration of shares issue, registration of prospectus of issue of shares;
Legal support at all stages of the work: assistance in registration of the additional issue of shares in the organization share repurchase.
copies of pages of passports with stamps of founders and Directors, as well as their identification numbers;
copies of the certificates confirming the state registration of founders as entrepreneurs (if any);
documents confirming competence of a person in relation to the signing of documents on behalf of the Jur. entity-founder (notarized power of attorney, an order, a Protocol on the appointment of the Director);
copy of the Charter of joint-stock companies;
a copy of the certificate of state registration certified by a notary;
the decision of the Supreme body of legal. person to act as a founder created the company;
copy of Certificate from USREOU (statistics);
the original power of attorney from the head of legal. person-the founder (only legal entities).
a copy of the certificate indicating the assignment of identification number in Ukraine;
copy of passport (with Ukrainian visa, if applicable).
the decision (Protocol) of the Supreme body of the legal entity indicating the decision to act as the founder of an undertaking;
a copy of the document certifying the registration of the legal person - founder in the country of domicile notarized (for example: an extract from the court register, extract from the trade or Bank of registers, certificate, etc.);
documents confirming competence of a person in relation to the signing of documents on behalf of the Jur. entity-founder (notarized power of attorney or a notarized copy of the Charter and the decision on appointment of the Director);
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