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For the registration of a condominium in the state bodies is required:
the minutes of the founding Assembly;
two of the original Charter of condominiums, signed by the Chairman of the constituent Assembly;
the list of members of the condominium;
a power of attorney for the registration of condominium.
After the state registration OSBB can take the housing complex to the balance.
The Association of apartment owners of the house may: (1) to take on your entire balance of the residential building; (2) the contract with the previous owner to leave him [the previous owner] the owner of the residential house or its part; (3) enter into a contract with a legal entity, which Statute envisages the possibility of exercising the relevant activities, the transfer of the balance of the residential house or its part.
The decision on acceptance on balance of the housing complex shall act by a qualified majority of votes of participants of the General meeting, that is, 3/4 of those present at meetings of members of the condominium. Procedure for transfer on balance of the housing defined by the Order of the transfer housing complex or its part from the balance on the balance sheet.
For taking houses to the balance of a Committee, which includes representatives of the previous owner and the condominium. In the case of a decision on the transfer of the residential complex or part thereof on the balance sheet of another legal entity the Commission also includes representatives noted the legal entity. The decision of General meetings of condominiums on the acceptance and transfer of the residential complex or part of your balance or the balance of another entity in the Protocol. In the Protocol, you must define a list of persons who will be included in the Commission created for taking and transfer of homes, as well as the person empowered to sign the act of acceptance-transfer of a residential house or its part from the balance on the balance sheet. The Commission defines the technical condition of the house and of the act of acceptance-transfer of a residential house or its part from the balance on the balance sheet.
Therefore, for the transfer of a residential house or its part must have the technical documentation: inventory business, the act of acceptance in operation, plans for external networking and so on.
After transferring the house into balance, condominiums may start its economic activity.
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